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Chalre Associates - Recruiting and Placement in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and LaosRecruiting and Placement in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

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Recruitment & Placement in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos Pointer Recruting and Placement  in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos Management Development in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos Recruiting Filipinos

 Active & Connected

Chalre Associates is active in promoting the industries and companies we serve.  Examples of these activities are below.



  C o n t a c t  U s


   Telephone Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos + 632 822 4129

       Telephone Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos 

            Email Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos leaders@chalre.com






Media organizations throughout the world call upon the Principals of Chalre Associates for thought leadership.  Below are some examples of published material written by our consultants or international journalists who refer to them.  For a complete list of published work, Click Here.  



ComputerWorld Magazine


Sample Article Title:


The State of BPO in Philippines: Dan Reyes Speaks

by Chalre Associates senior staff


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CIO Magazine






Sample Article Title:


Ask The Expert - Offshore Outsourcing

by Chalre Associates senior staff

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Sample Article Title:


Filipinos Have Nickel as Saudis Have Oil

by Chalre Associates senior staff


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Sample Article Title:


Getting Ready For The Deluge: Outsourcing in Philippines

by Chalre Associates senior staff


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MIS Asia Magazine


Sample Article Title:


The Battle Against Graft

by Jonathan Hopfner


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Sample Article Title:


Philippines Favoured for BPO

by Chalre Associates senior staff


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India Daily


Sample Article Title:


The End of Call Center Entrepreneurship

by Chalre Associates senior staff


Download [PDF file, 232KB]





Sample Article Title:


Working Abroad? Are You Crazy?

by Rebecca Bustamante


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AsiaTimes Online


Sample Article Title:


Outsourcing's Next Phase Has Begun 

by Chalre Associates Personnel


Download [PDF file, 247KB]


CallCenter Magazine


Sample Article Title:


When Worlds Collide

by Chalre Associates senior staff


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Financial Times


Sample Article Title:


The Sun Sets On a Golden Era

by media journalist


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The NorthernMiner Online


Sample Article Title:


Asia Pacific Mining Conference 2007 - Report

by Chalre Associates senior staff


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Sample Article Title:


Cellphone Psychopaths

by Chalre Associates Personnel


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RP Gains From Rising Wages in India

by media journalist


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Philippines Aims to Secure $10B from Outsourcing

by media journalist


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Just another way...





  C o n t a c t  U s


   Telephone Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos + 632 822 4129

       Telephone Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos 

            Email Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos leaders@chalre.com




Recruiting and Placement in Asia Pacific  in Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

 Sample Projects - The Work We Do

Chalre Associates focuses its Recruiting and Placement practice in the emerging countries of Asia.  We believe the greatest need for our services is in countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and China that are underserved by traditional firms.  Such markets require a different methodologies and skill sets of the practitioners, and lower cost structure.    

Chalre Associates is a strategic partner to some of the world's leading corporations.  Our purpose is to enhance these organizations by identifying, attracting and developing outstanding people. While Executive Search (Recruiting and Placement) is the core of our work, we excel at International Recruitment and Management Development Consulting. 

See below for samples of the work we have done for others:

Executive Search

Management Training & Development

International Recruitment


US Fortune 50 Company

Position Filled: General Manager


The US General Manager had done excellent work to upgrade his company's large outsourced IT facility based in Manila.  It was time for him to return to the US and find a quality replacement to continue the work that had begun.  Chalre Associates sourced roughly 70 potential candidates for the position and winnowed this number down to about 15.  All of these were interviewed extensively by the senior consultant of Chalre Associates and cursory background checks were made.  A short list of 4 candidates were presented to the General Manager.  Two of these were "local expats" (foreign nationals with a strong link to Philippines) and two were Filipinos with strong overseas experience with multinational companies.  


All candidates were re-interviewed by the current GM and the Chalre Associates consultant.  The same four were interviewed by other US managers in Philippines. The best 2 were sent to the US for final interviews and an appropriate hire was made.  


Large European Technology Company

Positions Filled: Country Manager (Indonesia), Country Manager (Thailand), Country Manager (Japan), Regional CFO (Asia Pacific), Regional Customer Service Manager (Asia Pacific), Country Sales Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Senior Project Managers (4), among others.


The client relationship between the company and the consultant had been built over a period of time. Most of the staff at the company's Asia Pacific regional head office were placed through the Chalre Associates consultant. 
The company was expanding rapidly and needed assistance finding suitable Country Managers for Japan, Thailand and Indonesia. The consultant was asked to oversee this work. All of these senior positions were filled. In total, 25 positions were filled throughout the Asia Pacific region.



Large Pharmaceutical Company

Positions Filled: Human Resource Directors (2)


The client has roughly 1000 people in Philippines and is growing quickly.  The Managing Director needed a senior person to manage HR for his complex organization.  The client had specific requirements with regard to experience, technical skills, management culture background and even area of residence.  


After much research by Chalre Associates, a short-list of five candidates were presented who met the difficult requirements.  All candidates were given multiple interviews and finalists were subjected to a panel.   


The client offered the original position to one of these -- a highly qualified and likeable person.  In addition, however, a second person from our short-list was offered a senior position and gladly accepted the role.  The Managing Director was pleased to be able to find 2 good people to join his company although his original requirements were for only one position. 


The client made Chalre Associates the exclusive source for its externally recruited senior level positions in the future.  


Multinational Logistics Company

Positions Filled: Managing Director, Finance Director


The client had found it necessary to terminate both its Country Manager and Finance Director due to the uncovering of fraud. The Regional Director needed to replace both positions quickly and quietly before the company's client and employee relationships were harmed. For the Country Manager portion of the search, roughly 125 potential candidates from the local industry were sourced and spoken to. Of these, roughly 30 were deemed worthy of extensive telephone conversations by research staff. From this group, 14 people were given personal interviews by the Chalre Associates consultant and the 5 most suitable candidates were chosen. Full Candidate Reports were prepared with complete background information and compensation. Cursory background checks were also undertaken at this stage.

The client (2 regional managers) interviewed all 5 candidates. The most ideal of these were offered the position - after extensive formal and informal reference checks. After sometimes difficult negotiations, the candidate accepted the role. The search for the Finance Director then proceeded and was completed in a like manner.




Large Global Oil & Gas Company

Positions Filled: Leadership Assessment & Development program for 7 senior staff


The client had completed a large oil & gas development project. The numerous expatriates who were needed during the development phase were now required for other projects of the company. The vast majority of the positions were to be turned over to local employees -- localized, in other words. The Managing Director of the company required an unbiased and systematic assessment by an outside third-party of all staff members deemed potentially suited for the higher management roles being vacated by expatriates.

Multiple in-depth interviews were completed and confidential background checks were conducted from confidential industry sources. Our interviews uncover some surprises since 2 of the candidate for promotion were unhappy with the organization and taking action to leave the company. One candidate even stated that senior management "didn't know what they were doing" -- a surprising statement from someone deemed by senior management to be a high-performer. While the content of our conversations with employees remained confidential, we were able to provide feedback to senior management that was effective in retention. Action was quickly taken to improve the relationship with the dispirited employees. In the end, the Managing Director received the unbiased, systematic assessment that he needed to help formulate a promotion strategy.




Global IT Company

Positions Filled: Various Senior Technical Engineers 


A global IT services organization company needed highly skilled professionals with more than 7 years of experience in specific technologies. The company was having great difficulty hiring suitable people at 5 cities across Canada. In addition to being experts in their field, the IT professionals needed to be able to speak English fluently and have an outgoing personality so they could adapt well to the new environment.

After assessing the supply situation in various countries, the Chalre Associates consultant sourced a strong supply of motivated candidates in South Korea. While technical expertise was readily available, good English communication skills in Korea were less available. Many hundreds of candidates were screened from locations across the country. After reviewing candidate resumes with the client back in Canada, the Chalre Associates consultant escorted 2 senior people from the client company to Seoul to conduct final interviews with candidates. Twenty-two candidates were chosen meeting the client's requirements.

Immigration processes were begun immediately and the new employees arrived over the next few months in 5 different locations across Canada. Someone met each of the 22 successful candidates as they arrived at the airport. Often a local member of the Korean community was also present. Assistance was also provided with housing, government regulations and processing, and cultural assimilation.

The project was reported in national television news in Korea and was a cover story of ComputerWorld magazine in North America.


Large Financial Institution

Positions Filled: Various Senior Technical Engineers 


The client was located in a small Canadian city and was unable to hire specifically skilled Systems Programmers able to work on their large mainframe computers despite many months of searching. The Chalre Associaties consultant sourced a number of candidates in Asia. Initial interviews were arranged by telephone and later panel interviews were conducted by teleconference for finalist candidate. The client was able to hire 3 sorely needed senior Systems Programmers who adapted well to their business and community environment.


Mid-Sized Semiconductor Company

Positions Filled: Various Senior Design Engineers


The client needed desperately to hire an experienced senior engineer able to develop complex semiconductor designs based on a technology called system-on-a-chip. All locally-based candidates were already employed and unwilling to move. After doing an extensive search of the Asia Pacific region, a candidate was found in China who fit the requirements and was motivated to relocate.

At the time of contact, the candidate was CTO of the first publically-listed Chinese semiconductor design company. He held a Ph.D. and a number of international patents. His English communication skills were deemed acceptable (though not perfect). The client was overjoyed and the candidate was quickly hired, and brought to Canada.


Large Semiconductor Company

Positions Filled: Various Senior Design Engineers


The North-American based client had many needs for senior semiconductor engineers. They specifically wanted a international search for talent they could not find locally. A broad search was conducted throughout the world by the Chalre Associaties consultant. Motivated candidates with appropriate skill-sets were located in Singapore, China and South Korea. Fly-in interviews were conducted and 6 senior engineers were hired and relocated to become part of the company's senior design engineering team at its large world-wide design center.






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Recruiting and Placement in Asia Pacific Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos






Recruiting and Placement in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

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