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Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam,The Chalre Collection of Asian Ceramics - Pottery & Porcelain of China, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam

          Highlights of The Chalre Collection History of Asian Ceramics Types of Asian Ceramics The Chalre Collection of Asian Ceramics Appraisal and Authentication of Chinese Ceramics

 The Collection

The focus of The Chalre Collection is Chinese and Asian Tradeware Ceramics -- in other words, Ceramics that were traded throughout Asia. Tradeware Ceramics (Porcelain, Stoneware and Earthenware) tell the story of how the peoples of Asia forged social and commercial ties with each other during ancient times. 


Of the many thousands of traded items over the centuries,  Ceramics is the only one durable enough to have survived into modern times to give us a record of Asia's past. 


The Ceramic Art collection of Chalre Associates came about through the efforts of the firm's principals, Rebecca Bustamante and Richard Mills.  It is their intention that a significant portion of The Chalre Collection become property of a museum foundation or other public body in the future. 


In creating the collection, major recognition must be given to Jose (Joe) Yusef Makmak for his considerable support and friendship.  Our thoughts are with Joe, formerly a prominent ceramic antiquities dealer in Philippines, who passed away in 2008.  




Word From Our Sponsor


Chalre Associates is a regional provider of Executive Search services in the emerging countries of the Asia Pacific region.  Multinational companies use us to bridge the gap between the local environment and their world-class requirements countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.    


Our purpose is to enhance these organizations by identifying, attracting and developing outstanding people.


Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam



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Chinese Character for Longevity represents the unique permanence of Ceramic Art 

Homepage of the Chalre Collection website






The Chalre Collection of Ceramic Art Treasures of Southeast Asia

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