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Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam,The Chalre Collection - Chinese Ceramics of Southeast Asia

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   Rust Spots

   Glaze Deterioration

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   Hairline Cracks

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   Qing Reign Marks

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Appraisal of Chinese Ceramics












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 Chalre Collection


The focus of The Chalre Collection is Chinese and Asian Tradeware Ceramics -- in other words, Ceramics that were traded throughout Asia. Tradeware Ceramics (Porcelain, Stoneware and Earthenware) tell the story of how the peoples of Asia forged social and commercial ties with each other during ancient times. 


Of the many thousands of traded items over the centuries,  Ceramics is the only one durable enough to have survived into modern times to give us a record of Asia's past.  


The Ceramic Art collection of Chalre Associates came about through the efforts of the firm's principals, Rebecca Bustamante and Richard Mills.  It is their intention that a significant portion of The Chalre Collection become property of a museum foundation or other public body in the future. 


In creating the collection, major recognition must be given to Jose (Joe) Yusef Makmak for his considerable support and friendship.  Our thoughts are with Joe, formerly a prominent ceramic antiquities dealer in Philippines, who passed away in 2008.   




Word From Our Sponsor


Chalre Associates is a regional provider of Executive Search services in the emerging countries of the Asia Pacific region.  Multinational companies use us to bridge the gap between the local environment and their world-class requirements countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.   


Our purpose is to enhance these organizations by identifying, attracting and developing outstanding people.


Chalre Associates - Executive Search in Asia Pacific - Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam



    Call Us About Chinese Ceramics in Asia +632 822 4129

    Email Us About Chinese Ceramics in Asia
    Website for Chinese Ceramics in Asia ceramics.chalre.com



History of Chinese Ceramics

 The Story of Chinese Ceramic Art


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


The Chalre Collection of Chinese Ceramics


History of 

Chinese Ceramics


In the beginning, there were pots...


Chinese Ceramics of Southeast Asia - Pottery & Porcelain of China, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, VietnamIt has been established that the Chinese created some of the worlds first Ceramics eight thousand years ago with the fashioning of hand-molded Earthenware containers. In the late neolithic times, the potter's wheel was developed enabling a dramatic advancement in EARTHENWARE CERAMICS. The sophistication of early Chinese potters is irrefutably demonstrated by the famed terracotta warriors uncovered by archaeologists in the tomb of Emperor Qin (259-210 BCE).



Then, there was colour


Go to the Tang Dynasty Chinese Ceramics section of the Chalre Collection of Chinese CeramicsOver the centuries, China maintained its dominant position as the world's preeminent producer of Ceramics as countless new technologies and styles were developed.  One of the most important was the TRI-COLOUR STONEWARE of the Tang dynasty (618-907 CE), named after the bright yellow, green and white glazes.  This period also marked the first wide-spread use of ceramic as a decorative medium of art.



The Celadon Innovation


Go to the Celadon Chinese Ceramics section of the Chalre Collection of Chinese CeramicsAnother type of pottery that developed during the Tang period was Qingci, known more commonly to English speakers as CELADON.  This style often has a greenish glaze and is usually simply but elegantly shaped and decorated.  Celadon was so successful that production continued in China for centuries and was traded widely throughout the known world.



White Becomes Fashionable


Go to the White Chinese Porcelain section of the Chalre Collection of Chinese CeramicsDuring the Song dynasty (960-1279 CE), WHITEWARE CERAMICS became a dominant form.  The style became one of the most successful Ceramic types ever produced in China and was widely traded throughout Southeast Asia.  One form of Whiteware that became particularly popular as a traded Ceramic was Qingbai which literally means bluish-white ware and has a jade-like texture. 



Blue and White 

Conquers the World


Go to the Blue and White Chinese Porcelain section of the Chalre Collection of Chinese CeramicsBLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN was first created during the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 CE).  Fired at higher temperature than Earthenware, Porcelain is characterized by a glass-like finish of its whitish clay body.  Potters of the later Ming dynasty (1368-1644 CE) advanced the art of Blue and White Porcelain to such a degree that most people today think of the style as uniquely Chinese. 



Chinese Ceramics 

Reach a Zenith


Go to the Qing Dynasty Chinese Porcelain section of the Chalre Collection of Chinese CeramicsThe Qing period (1644-1911 CE) was the last of the imperial dynasties and saw innovative MULTI-COLOURED PORCELAIN designs that reached a new peak in popularity, particularly in the west. 






Chinese Dynasty Timeline


Asian Ceramics are usually dated according to the reigns of Chinese dynasties when the artifacts were produced.  Below are listed the more important dynastic periods of Chinese history.  



Han Dynasty 

Western Han (206 BC - 24 AD)

Eastern Han (25 AD - 220 AD)

Three Kingdoms Period 

(220 AD - 280 AD)

Jin Dynasty 

Western Jin (265 AD - 316 AD)
Eastern Jin (317 AD - 420 AD)

南 北 朝 Southern and Northern Dynasties 

Northern Dynasties (386 AD - 581 AD)
Southern Dynasties (420 AD - 589 AD)

Sui Dynasty 

(581 AD - 618 AD)

Tang Dynasty 

(618 AD - 907 AD)

五 代 十 國 Five Dynasties and Ten States 

Five Dynasties
- Later Liang (907 AD - 923 AD)
- Later Tang (923 AD - 936 AD)
- Later Jin (936 AD - 946 AD)
- Later Han (947 AD - 951 AD)
- Later Zhou (951 AD - 960 AD)


Sung Dynasty 

(960 AD -1279 AD)

Yuan Dynasty

(1271 AD - 1368 AD)

明 朝 Ming Dynasty 

(1368 AD - 1644 AD)

清 朝 Qing Dynasty 

(1644 AD - 1911 AD)





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of Asian Ceramic Art





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The Chalre Collection - Chinese Ceramics of Southeast Asia

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